Vision & Mission
At Butte County CAA we provide hope to people struggling with poverty to become more self-sustaining by meeting tangible needs in the areas of energy savings, affordable food, and housing.
Our Vision
We envision communities where all residents engage in creating and benefiting from opportunities to thrive, achieve and enjoy life.
Our Mission
To improve the economic security and well-being of low-income residents of Butte County and our surrounding service area through diverse housing, human service programs and community collaborations.
Value Statements
- Commitment: We consider a clear Commitment to our mission and vision by all team members as key to our success
- Community: We desire a healthy Community that supports the dignity and well-being of all people
- Trustworthiness: We think that a strong Agency demonstrates Trustworthiness when it consistently works with integrity
- Empathy: We believe that demonstrating Empathy enables our team to understand, care for and support others
- Appreciation: We want to express and model Appreciation to celebrate success and inspire others to realize their full potential